Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to bring for a day hike?
Please see our Info Page ‘A’ - Lowland Hikes
What do I need to bring for a weekend away?
Please see our Info Page ‘B’ - Weekends Away
What is YHA accommodation like?
Please see our Info Page ‘C’ - YHA Accommodation
What do I need to bring for hill or mountain hikes?
If we are visiting hill our mountain areas such as the northern Peak Distict, the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, Snowdonia, Mid Wales, the Brecon Beacons or Dartmoor, then please see Info Page ‘D’ - Hill and Mountain Hikes, What to Take
What is the pace like?
In lowland areas like Hertfordshire, we normally walk at about 4 km/h (2.5 m.p.h.) when moving. We normally have a short (10 minute) stop mid morning, a longer lunch stop (typically 45 minutes) and a short stop mid afternoon.
Hikes in mountainous areas may be more strenuous but we allow plenty of exta time for ascent and descent.
Can I cut the hike short?
That depends on where we are going. In South-East England, if you want to cut the hike short for any reason, there will usually be a road somewhere where you can call a taxi. On a weekend away in remote hill or mountain areas, we may be away from roads all day so there is no opportunity to cut the hike short and it may not be safe for you to turn back alone.
Can I bring a dog?
Registered assistance dogs are always welcome but please read The Ramblers Guide Walking with dogs. No other dogs are permitted on our walks. The reason for this is to avoid dogs straying off the public right of way and trespassing on private land and also to reduce the chances of unfriendly encounters with other dogs or their owners.
We publish many of our hiking routes on-line via Wikiloc. You can search for our Wikiloc user ID 4655189 or South Herts Hikers. You can see some of our routes, download a GPS file and follow the route on your own or with a dog at any time. Here is a link to a list of South Herts Hikers routes on Wikiloc.
It’s raining, will the hike go ahead?
Our hikes normally go ahead whatever the weather, except in severe weather conditions such as storms, snow or ice. If it’s wet then please feel free to change your RSVP to “No”.
Do I need to join The Ramblers?
Our group is affiliated to The Ramblers but we are a Meetup Group, not a Ramblers Group. You need a Meetup logion (free) to join our group but you don’t need to join the Ramblers when you join our group. Nevertheless, as a group, we support the charitable objectives of The Ramblers, we pay an annual Affiliated Club subscripton to The Ramblers and we encourage our members to consider joining The Ramblers.
Do I need to join YHA (England and Wales)?
We use YHA accommodation on some weekends away but you don’t need to join YHA (England and Wales) to come on our weekends away. If you are a member of YHA (or another country’s association affiliated to Hostelling International) you will normally be able to get a discount on any bookings that you make in your own name, including bookings that include others. If someone else makes a booking and you are included, then the person who makes the booking can get a discount on all places if they are a YHA member but you don’t need to be.
What is the age range of Group members?
The group is suitable for all ages, 18 and above. We welcome members of any age (18 and above) who can relate to other members as equals, regardless of any age difference.
What is the age range of people who use YHA accommodation?
Although YHA originally stood for Youth Hostels Association, anyone can stay at YHA including students, backpackers, families and retired people. You don’t have to be young but you are likely to meet young people so it helps to be young at heart. The average age is typically lower in city hostels compared to those in rural areas where we stay on most of our Group weekends.
Page last updated 20 Jan 2020